Ξ - New York Institute of Technology

The Notorious Never Die Xi Chapter at New York Tech. The honorable brothers of Iota Nu Delta-Xi Chapter are known for their dedication to Mind, Body and Soul. From throwing our annual dance competition. NAACH, to receiving the national Mind award, highest national overall GPA, the brothers of the Xi chapter show their excellence on and off campus. Being a commuter school, our chapter offers a true brotherhood where members allow and push each other to grow academically, professionally and personally. With an extended alumni network spanning multiple fields including Medicine, Engineering, Business and Art, members are exposed to a plethora of opportunities. The brothers of Iota Nu Delta at New York Tech have a vision to continuously propel themselves to become better men today than they were yesterday. They strive to become an example for our community and to become the leaders of this generation.


Π - Penn State University


University of Pittsburgh